Interview with Wu Shih-Mao

q) Well, first of all please tell us a little about yourself.
a) My name is Wu Shih-Mao. I was born in
q) Had you always planned on being an artist [or had you other hopes]?
a) Artist is an attracting occupation. However, I dreamt about being a cartoonist before. When I was little, I am always attracted by various cartoons. In high school, after I learned graphic design, I was interested in this field immediately. For me, graphic design having infinite and influential scope is a profession which can fully express my thoughts. Therefore, I chose to be a visual communication design major in
q) Do you have a preferred medium to work on? Why?
a) My artistic style has changed a lot since I learned the digital media. Most of time I will draw many drafts which have the same theme but different feelings, and then use Photoshop or Illustrator to finish them. Though I like various kinds of color, I love the vitality of hand-painting more.
q) How would you describe your style?
a) I am not sure how people evaluate me and what my works can bring to others. But I hope that viewers can find a little humor within my works. It’s not easy for me to maintain humor while creating art works because we are influenced by too many things. Nevertheless, the fun part of creation is how to explore more possibilities in one thing.
q) Do you go through any certain processes while trying to produce your work?
a) When I have any inspirations, I tend to write down or draw a draft on a portable notebook and then write a few words about my feelings. When I go home or when I have free time, I will put them on a bigger notebook with more details. However, I won’t start my works at once. Usually one or two days later, or longer…
q) What are you working on at present?
a) Mushroom-picking girl, universal, and daily life stuffs.
q) What about recent sources of inspirations?
a) From military I served, work condition, and films
q) What are some of your obsessions?
a) Films, novels, and superhero
q) Which galleries have you shown at and which galleries would you like to show at?
a) I didn’t have any experience of holding an art exhibition. But if it’s possible, I hope it will be
q) If people would like to contact you, how would you like to be contacted?
a) You can book a plane ticket to visit
q) Do you have any suggestions or advice for artists that are just starting out?
a) Always keep sensitive feelings. Draw whatever you want and trust yourself. I believe a plenty of examples can be learned.
q) Who are your favorite artists?
a) James Jean、Phunkstudio、Yamamura Animation、Dave Cooper、Jordan Crane、Jeremy Fish、Renee French、Inca Pan、Irana Douer、Tommaso Meli、Tatsuro Kiuchi、Jon Boam、Nathan Huang、Tyler Stout、Craig Thompson、Rinzen….
q) What books are on your nightstand?
a) I am reading Jimmy Corrigan’s “The Smartest Kid on Earth” and Miyabe Miyuki’s “Copy Cat” these days.
q) To what weaknesses are you most indulgent?
a) Surfing the internet purposelessly and endlessly
q) ….your contacts…
a) You can use or
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